[MacTUG] FW: Register Now for MacAdmins 2017!

Dani Roloson daroloso at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Mar 28 11:38:22 EDT 2017

From: MacAdmins Conference Team [macadmins-conf=psu.edu at mail204.atl81.rsgsv.net] on behalf of MacAdmins Conference Team [macadmins-conf at psu.edu]
Sent: March 28, 2017 10:53
To: Dani Roloson
Subject: Register Now for MacAdmins 2017!

July 11-14.  Save $200 by registering early.
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Register Now for MacAdmins 2017!

MacAdmins is the premier East Coast conference for anyone who deploys and manages Macs and iOS devices.  Our 4-day event features 60 sessions and five workshops with top notch speakers in the macOS and iOS deployment community. MacAdmins offers an incredible level of expertise, value, entertainment, and a great opportunity to network with your fellow admins!

This year's event will be held July 11-14 at the Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center<http://psu.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=acd8b6acc541596a7bdf8e517&id=2cf53450e6&e=e7789374bf> in State College, PA.

Registration includes a full-day workshop, 3 days of conference sessions, and all meals, plus evening events.

Early-bird registration is $599.  On May 17 the cost will increase to $799, so register early to save $200!

Register now!<http://psu.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=acd8b6acc541596a7bdf8e517&id=61b1a6af81&e=e7789374bf>

Why Attend?

We like to think of MacAdmins as summer camp for the Mac and iOS administration community.  Each year, hundreds of fellow admins, consultants, technicians, IT managers, and support professionals congregate in beautiful State College, PA for 4 days of training, knowledge sharing, community building, and fun.

At MacAdmins, the workshop and session content come first.  No long-winded keynotes, no forced sales pitches.  We choose the best speakers and the best topics that represent the real-world tools, services, and strategies that will help you do your job better, make yourself happier in the workplace, and please your customers.

We partner with trusted vendors, who sponsor the event because they know that our attendees represent the decision makers and key players in their organizations.  Sponsors also enable us to keep costs down, and make the conference accessible to as many people as possible.

Full-Day Workshops Announced

Registration includes a full-day workshop on July 11.  This year we are offering 5 workshops:

Mac Management: State of the Union, and Where Are We Going?<http://psu.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=acd8b6acc541596a7bdf8e517&id=a7436353d1&e=e7789374bf>

A System Administrator’s Fundamentals of Wi-Fi, or Arguing With Physics<http://psu.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=acd8b6acc541596a7bdf8e517&id=04ee1ea187&e=e7789374bf>

Mac Admins Capture the Flag - Security<http://psu.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=acd8b6acc541596a7bdf8e517&id=21374b63ef&e=e7789374bf>

Build-Your-Own Jamf Pro Integrations<http://psu.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=acd8b6acc541596a7bdf8e517&id=6cb8116782&e=e7789374bf> & Zentral - Osquery and Google Santa<http://psu.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=acd8b6acc541596a7bdf8e517&id=48acb9729b&e=e7789374bf>

The Art – and Science – of Being Productive<http://psu.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=acd8b6acc541596a7bdf8e517&id=d232366b09&e=e7789374bf> & Sharing What We’ve Learned<http://psu.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=acd8b6acc541596a7bdf8e517&id=38f3ac1486&e=e7789374bf>

Want to Present at MacAdmins?

There's less than one week left to submit a session proposal to speak at MacAdmins 2017.  If you have knowledge that you want to share with our community, now's your chance.  Speakers receive complimentary registration as thanks for their contributions to the event.

Submit to speak at MacAdmins 2017<http://psu.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=acd8b6acc541596a7bdf8e517&id=2fe55fec08&e=e7789374bf>

Call for Sponsors

Interested in sponsoring the MacAdmins Conference in 2017?  Want to get your products and services in the hands of influential Mac and iOS administrators from across the world?

S<http://psu.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=acd8b6acc541596a7bdf8e517&id=8c7683f1f0&e=e7789374bf>ubmit to sponsor the conference<http://psu.us4.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=acd8b6acc541596a7bdf8e517&id=b7b4645b27&e=e7789374bf>

Thanks to our Sponsors!

MacAdmins could not take place without the generous support of our sponsors.

Additional sponsors will be announced shortly.










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You are receiving this email because of your interest in the Penn State MacAdmins Conference.

Our mailing address is:
MacAdmins Conference at Penn State
229 Computer Bldg
University Park, PA 16802

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