[MacTUG] Apple updates Xprotect malware definitions to shut down 'iWorm' Mac botnet

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Oct 7 10:01:03 EDT 2014

... As noted by MacRumors and Business Insider, a change to the XProtect.plist file released on October 4 contained definitions to protect users from three variants of the iWorm malware, including OSX.iWorm.A, OSX.iWorm.B, and OSX.iWorm.C.

In addition to Apple's anti-malware actions, Reddit also shut down a fake Minecraft subreddit and banned the account that was posting the iWorm botnet server list to the subreddit's forums. Without these posts, iWorm-controlled Macs are unable to connect to the botnet servers that are used by hackers to send instructions to the infected machines.


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