[MacTUG] Mountain Lion Update...

Donald Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Feb 12 17:54:16 EST 2013

On 2013-02-12 5:00 PM, "Donald Duff-McCracken" <dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca>

>It does not seem to be as granular as workgroup manger was tho

While this may prove to be the case that profile manager is not at this
point as granular as Workgroup Manager, the example I gave (of controlling
which System Preferences are accessible by the user) is a bad example as
Profile Manager can control this -- it is now under the Restrictions
Setting and works as it did in WM

One thing I am wondering about is the "Custom Settings" in profile
Manager. Clearly this is a bit different than the games you used to be
able to play in WM and especially since I gather that MCX is gone

BTW, Dani pointed out some good peach pit books on Server, but does anyone
know if there is any good documentation from Apple on Mountain Lion
Server? There was awesome stuff for Snow Leopard. When you go the Apple
Support site (http://support.apple.com/manuals#macosxserver) you see all
sorts of awesome manuals for Snow Leopard and earlier, but nothing really
for 10.8 other than http://help.apple.com/advancedserveradmin/mac/10.8/#
which is pretty sparse compared to former documentation. I guess this is
the downside of OS X server costing only a few dollars instead of
hundreds? ;-) Anyhow I am still taking donations for documentation.


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