[MacTUG] Adobe recommends workaround for critical holes in Reader - The H Security: News and Features

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Feb 14 10:34:08 EST 2013

The company says that the vulnerabilities affect the current versions of Reader as well as the current versions of Acrobat for Windows and Mac OS X. A patch is already in preparation, but when it will be released is currently unclear.

Users who open a PDF document in the current version of Adobe Reader therefore run the risk of infecting their system with malware. According to Adobe, those who use version XI (11.x) of Acrobat or Reader under Windows can protect themselves by activating the Protected View feature. In Reader, this option can be found by selecting File ➤ Edit ➤ Preferences ➤ Security (Enhanced) and looking for the Protected View options on that page. Enabling this option will result in PDF documents being opened in a sandbox.

Another option is to use a different PDF viewer, of course.


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