[MacTUG] Mountain Lion Update...

Donald Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Feb 12 17:00:02 EST 2013

I was hoping to bore you all with a long series of lessons is was learning on my road to Mountain Lion / AD authentication, but once I got my certificates worked out it was pretty easy-peezy and not that different from the golden triangle. 

I have enrolled an ipad and Mac to the server. It is pretty cool how devices can auto enrol my going to servername.uwaterloo.ca/mydevices. Obviously I do not want this on in production ;-) but you can configure it to allow for auto enrolment of devices that have placeholders. I have to play with this and the whole 'enrolment profile' process a bit. 

Another thing I need to do is that my device configuration profile is not using my globalsign certificate, but merely my self signed certificate. So when I enrol a device it get a 'are you sure you want to do this?' message. This is not ideal - and certainly will not be a deal breaker if I am going to be the only one enrolling devices but will need to be resolved before I could consider any auto enrolling. Obviously I just need to figure out how to get my verified certificate used for this profile. 

Otherwise it seems to be working OK. The profile manager is nice and it is great I can access it from all devices. It does not seem to be as granular as workgroup manger was tho, or at least not yet. For example I do not see how to control access to individual system preferences in profile manger. But the push notification to the clients works well and i think better than the old method - a lot of the changes you can make happen more or less instantly versus waiting for the next log in, like in the old days. 

So a few more things to figure out but I more or less have the basics worked out. Thanks to Guillermo for giving me a few tips a while ago. 

Sent from my iPad

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