[MacTUG] Excel - replacing soft returns update

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Feb 2 22:09:11 EST 2012


Whenever I have to deal with this sort of Excel cleanup, I have always found it best to handle it via a macro. Using a macro gives me much better control over processing the contents of the cells and dealing with processing them.

If it is ok, why don't you send me the worksheet and I will see what I can do.

On 2012-02-02, at 4:02 PM, Marlon A. Griffith wrote:

I found the char() function. You open find:
- type 'char(10)' without the quotes
- cut it out of the find dialog
- press the option/alt key while you paste it back into the find dialog
- voila, there is no visible character there
- hit find button
- however, prompted for all cells with no data 8-(

This makes sense but does not solve my problem. I have tried chars 11 and 13 as well with the same result.

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