[MacTUG] FYI: 10.7.3 update bug for some users

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Feb 3 10:07:21 EST 2012

There are reports that some users after installing the 10.7.3 upgrade every app they launched would crash, and the ensuing error dialog box sported bizarre overlays: gradient boxes reading “CUI CUI,” along with bright red question marks.

The solution if this happens seems to be to apply the combo updater version of 10.7.3 

See http://www.macworld.com/article/165183/2012/02/some_10_7_3_users_encounter_nasty_bug_fix_available.html#lsrc.rss_main for a Macworld article on this.


I have personally installed 10.7.3 on several types of Macs without problems, but then again I do keep my Mac's up to date and thus wasn't installing several upgrades at the same time.

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