[MacTUG] Excel - replacing soft returns update

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Feb 2 16:02:56 EST 2012

I found the char() function. You open find:
- type 'char(10)' without the quotes
- cut it out of the find dialog
- press the option/alt key while you paste it back into the find dialog
- voila, there is no visible character there
- hit find button
- however, prompted for all cells with no data 8-(

This makes sense but does not solve my problem. I have tried chars 11 and 13 as well with the same result.

On 31/01/12 4:27 PM, Glenn Anderson wrote:
> The issue of how to replace "soft returns" in cells with something like a space came up in the meeting this morning.
> There should be some way to do this with the find/replace command, but I can't seem to get it to work. I think I am suppose to be able to hold down the alt key and then enter 0011 on the numeric keypad, but that doesn't work.
> Personally, I would likely write a macro to do this or use the substitute function as shown below:
> [cid:CD48EBBB-05F1-451D-83D4-A59259535708 at uwaterloo.ca]

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