[MacTUG] Anyone have trouble getting Connect mail with Mail.app this morning?

Mike Patterson mpatterson at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Apr 11 08:56:52 EDT 2012

On 12-04-11 8:32 AM, Trevor Bain wrote:
> Hi Dawn The successful connection using ADS credentials is either
> cached or other credentials are being used when the ADS ones fail.
> The user accounts are all configured to use NEXUS accounts. If you
> can send me the username I'll check that user but the logs
> indicated that we had successfully switched all target accounts to
> use Nexus. Okay, there were 2 failures but we tracked down the
> issues there and fixed.
> This took us by surprise because the domain configuration wasn't
> needed before the switch and testing in the dev environment
> indicated that it wasn't necessary afterwards either.

Au contraire, Outlook 2011 refused to work for me before without
ADS\mpatters. Or at least, the first time I set it up, it did not work
until I put that in - correlation is not causation and I didn't bother
you guys for the logs. :-)

Changing to NEXUS this morning seemed to require restarting Outlook,
although that could just have been me being impatient.


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