[MacTUG] Replace SMB Server with open source version in Mac OS X Lion Server - Mac OS X Hints

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Apr 4 09:18:07 EDT 2012

I have had nothing but trouble with SMB (Windows Sharing) services in Mac OS X Server 10.7. These problems were supposedly solved in 10.7.3, but my particular issues seem to still be there in several cases (Windows XP name browsing not working, Guest access not working, performance issues, dropped connections), and may be related to the Windows XP (versus Windows Vista/7) clients I'm dealing with. All of these were working fine with Mac OS X Server 10.5.8 when a string of hardware failures required replacement with the current version, which is working well for the Mac OS X clients.

I have found that replacing the Apple supplied services with the open source Samba version (dropped by Apple in Mac OS X Lion for apparent licensing issues) has solved these problems, and provided faster performance. Unfortunately setup isn't well documented, takes a while, and has no GUI tool (SharePoints I miss you!).

In hopes that I can give someone a head start for doing this if they need to, I've cobbled together a recipe from various sources. There are likely some flaws, and it is probably missing some details and options. Please feel free to add or update in the comments.


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