[MacTUG] Message to be sent to all users of mobile devices on Exchange/Connect

Trevor Bain etbain at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Apr 3 11:33:54 EDT 2012

In preparation for the switch of the Exchange email and calendar service ("Connect") to use Nexus authentication next week, a message will be sent to all accounts that have mobile devices that will be affected by the change. The text of the message appears at the bottom of this email. We expect to send the email out later today or tomorrow morning.

It is important that the configuration changes on the mobile devices are made only after the server changes on April 10. The server changes will start at 9pm and are estimated to be completed for all accounts by 10pm. We are documenting the steps to make the configuration changes for some of the more common devices (see: http://ist.uwaterloo.ca/connectinfo). BlackBerry smartphones are not affected.

Again... please feel free to contact me if you have any questions and please refer to http://ist.uwaterloo.ca/connectinfo for details/updates.


Trevor Bain, IST
University of Waterloo
519-888-4567 x33738
etbain at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:etbain at uwaterloo.ca>

------------ message begin ------------

Our records over the last 30 days indicate the following mobile device has connected to your University of Waterloo Exchange/Connect account:

<<< List of devices will appear here >>>

On the evening of April 10th, IST will be making changes on the Connect email/calendar system that will require you to change settings on the device listed above in order for synchronization of your email and calendar to continue.

After 10pm on the evening of April 10th, the account settings on the above device will need to updated with the domain set to 'NEXUS' instead of the current domain 'ADS'. Do NOT make this change before this time or synchronization will fail.

If you need further instructions on how to change the appropriate settings on April 10th, instructions can be found in "Connect to use Nexus for authentication Apr 10th evening" notice on the IST website (ist.uwaterloo.ca<https://ist.uwaterloo.ca/connectinfo/Notices/ist.uwaterloo.ca>) or you can contact the IST CHIP in MC 1052.

Another email will be sent on April 10th to remind you of this change.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your local/department computing support unit or the IST CHIP.

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See also sample message at: https://ist.uwaterloo.ca/connectinfo/Notices/Email-2-Mobile-Clients-1.html

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