[MacTUG] Long list of defaults commands - Mac OS X Hints

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Apr 5 09:35:25 EDT 2012

If you've been around this site for a while, you know that the "defaults" command in Terminal can do a lot. It can set many hidden settings and preferences in Mac OS X, and in individual applications.

Mathias Bynens has posted a long list of these commands on github. I haven't looked closely, but I'm willing to bet that some of them haven't been posted here as hints yet.

There used to be a great tool called Secrets, which was a preference pane, and which allowed GUI access to many of these commands. Alas, Secrets hasn't been updated for Lion, so using Terminal is the best way to apply these commands.

If you're unfamiliar with how to use these commands, here's what you need to know. Open Terminal (in /Applications/Utilities), then paste one of the commands into Terminal and press Return. The commands in the list are the parts that begin with "defaults," such as:

defaults write com.apple.dock no-glass -bool true

This command removes the 3D graphics from the Dock.

Thanks to appstorm Mac for pointing out this page.


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