[MacTUG] ACL vs. umask?

Dani Roloson daroloso at mfcf.math.uwaterloo.ca
Mon May 16 18:11:41 EDT 2011

The samba mount, the file server, and the web server
would all have to allow/recognize the ACL.
Fugu does have a pref to retain perms but you only want it for web files.
I would be tempted to use Automator to write a Service
to allow the user to do the copy and perm modification
by right clicking.

10.6 only
Service receives selected documents (Is that the same as files?) in Finder
Run Shell Script
(change Pass Input to "as arguments")

while ( $# )
	cp "$1" /Volumes/cifs.homedir/public_html 
	chmod a+r "/Volumes/cifs.homedir/public_html/$1"

Save as "Copy to Web"

Tweak as needed.
Enjoy responsibly!

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