[MacTUG] ACL vs. umask?

Daniel Allen drallen at cs.uwaterloo.ca
Mon May 16 16:00:44 EDT 2011

Is it possible to set a umask on a particular samba-mounted  
subdirectory, or have the same effect using OS X ACLs?

The use-case is:
user samba-mounts a unix filesystem via cmd-k
user's default umask on the unix side is fairly restrictive (066).
user uploads files to public_html in the unix share; they come out non- 
so user has to chmod the files whenever he uploads.

This hint (near the bottom of the page):

pointed at OSX ACLs as a possible solution, but when I try setting  
those they have no bearing on the unixy file permissions (eg.,I'm  
trying something like:
chmod +a "group:everyone allow  
readattr,file_inherit,directory_inherit" foo
...bearing in mind I don't know much about OSX ACLs)


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