[MacTUG] ACL vs. umask?

Ian Turner iturner at uwaterloo.ca
Tue May 17 08:17:26 EDT 2011

I would be interested to know if this actually works

In our world, samba mounting my "server" home directory
and switching to public_html shows
scsmac15:/Volumes/iturner] iturner% cd public_html/
[scsmac15:/Volumes/iturner/public_html] iturner% ls -la
total 104
drwx------  1 iturner  503  16384 28 Sep  2010 .
drwx------  1 iturner  503  16384 16 May 16:39 ..
-rwx------  1 iturner  503   6148  2 May  2008 .DS_Store
-rwx------  1 iturner  503    196 28 Sep  2010 index.html
-rwx------  1 iturner  503    405 17 May 07:53 page2.htm
-rwx------  1 iturner  503    398  2 May  2008 page3.htm

which is NOT what the "real" server permissions are

if I follow Marlon's great advice, and sshfs mount it through 
MacFUSE/MacFusion, I see and can change the "real" permissions"

[scsmac15:/Volumes/core] iturner% cd public_html/
[scsmac15:/Volumes/core/public_html] iturner% ls -la
total 72
drwxr-xr-x  1 iturner  303   4096 28 Sep  2010 .
drwxr-x--x@ 1 iturner  503  12288 16 May 16:39 ..
-rw-------  1 iturner  503   6148  2 May  2008 .DS_Store
-rw-r--r--  1 iturner  303    196 28 Sep  2010 index.html
-rw-rw-r--  1 iturner  303    405 17 May 07:53 page2.htm
-rw-rw-r--  1 iturner  303    398  2 May  2008 page3.htm

and I verified chmod o-r makes a page "inaccessible" and chmod o+r 
restores it to view

On 2011/05/16 18:11 , Dani Roloson wrote:
> The samba mount, the file server, and the web server
> would all have to allow/recognize the ACL.
> Fugu does have a pref to retain perms but you only want it for web files.
> I would be tempted to use Automator to write a Service
> to allow the user to do the copy and perm modification
> by right clicking.
> 10.6 only
> Automator
> Service
> Service receives selected documents (Is that the same as files?) in Finder
> Run Shell Script
> (change Pass Input to "as arguments")
> while ( $# )
> 	cp "$1" /Volumes/cifs.homedir/public_html
> 	chmod a+r "/Volumes/cifs.homedir/public_html/$1"
> 	shift
> end
> Save as "Copy to Web"
> Tweak as needed.
> Enjoy responsibly!
> Dani
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