[MacTUG] NHR - Network Home Redirector

Donald Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Oct 6 11:41:55 EDT 2010

Within my implementation of the Golden Triangle, I am having all my students logging on as Mobile Users. This results in their home directories being created on the local hard disks. I wish I had the resources to provide them space on network drives for the size of disks they would need (I would guess 20 gigs) but for now I do not.

I want to start experimenting with this with some staff machines. Even for them, I do not have a ton of space so I need to redirect some of their folders locally.

I know a few of you guys are doing this. (Matt, for example.)

I would like to know what methods you are using. I know that Ian is using Network Home Redirector ( http://tools.mconserv.net/NHR.html) because he referred to this in an unrelated discussion about loginhooks.

I have tried it and it seems to work! Those that are redirecting things off of Network drives: is this what you are doing, or are there other methods I should be checking out. (I think this NHR business seems to do the job, and may be all that I need.)

The only real thing that concerns me about NHR is relying on scripts that someone else wrote! Sure I figured out where they all are (/etc/hooks) but I would hate to have to start farting around with them if all of a sudden things were not working right! ;-P Although it looks like a lot of users would be in that position of this happened, eh?

Any comments?
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