[MacTUG] NHR - Network Home Redirector

Ian Turner iturner at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Oct 6 12:05:34 EDT 2010

a tiny clarification

we are not using NHR anymore for redirection - we are using built-in 
Leopard managed client capability

but, since we had started using NHR back in Tiger, and have "other 
stuff" in the login hooks, we continue to use that capability

The login hooks are customized; built into our image

The "masters" on on our server and can be revised as needed, and I have 
ARD tasks to push out any revisions and to fix the ownership after pushing!
(I unpacked the scripts, to separate them from the installation process 
that enables them)
So, it is "our code", not "someone elses"

On 2010/10/06 11:41 , Donald Duff-McCracken wrote:
> Within my implementation of the Golden Triangle, I am having all my
> students logging on as Mobile Users. This results in their home
> directories being created on the local hard disks. I wish I had the
> resources to provide them space on network drives for the size of disks
> they would need (I would guess 20 gigs) but for now I do not..
> I want to start experimenting with this with some staff machines. Even
> for them, I do not have a ton of space so I need to redirect some of
> their folders locally.
> I know a few of you guys are doing this. (Matt, for example.)
> I would like to know what methods you are using. I know that Ian is
> using Network Home Redirector ( _http://tools.mconserv.net/NHR.html_)
> because he referred to this in an unrelated discussion about loginhooks.
> I have tried it and it seems to work! Those that are redirecting things
> off of Network drives: is this what you are doing, or are there other
> methods I should be checking out. (I think this NHR business seems to do
> the job, and may be all that I need.)
> The only real thing that concerns me about NHR is relying on scripts
> that someone else wrote! Sure I figured out where they all are
> (/etc/hooks) but I would hate to have to start farting around with them
> if all of a sudden things were not working right! ;-P Although it looks
> like a lot of users would be in that position of this happened, eh?
> Any comments?
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