[MacTUG] SMB Days of Deals | Dell Canada

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Wed May 26 16:05:04 EDT 2010

In the discussion of Mac vs Dell ( PC) laptops, here are a couple of other considerations...

First of all, one can purchase a refurbished or older model MacBook, which can further reduce the cost. Personally, I have purchased a number of such computers and one can't tell them from new.
As an example, right now I can purchase a refurbished Macbook 2.26 Ghz system for $849, which brings the cost to within $50.

Secondly, and most importantly down the road the MacBook will have a much higher resale value. 3 year old MacBook are going for $500+ Cdn, but a used 3 year old Dell you would be looking at maybe $200 if lucky it seems.

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