[MacTUG] Importing .MTS files into iMovie

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Mar 8 10:08:41 EST 2010

Here is the situation...

iMovie has no problem importing .MTS ( video ) files direct from a SD camera card via reader, but for some reason can not seem to read them from a standard hard disk folder.

The video files are fine and play back with no problems with VLC.

There seems to be a lot of discussion regarding these files, with users suggesting copying them back to an SD card to read in ( which is quite time consuming and doesn't always work by the sounds of it ), convert them via some other movie editor/tool ( but that kind of defeats the purpose of using iMovie ) and finally to run Windows and use it's movie tools to create one's movie.

Before I spend to much time looking for the best way, has anyone come across this issue before? If so, how have you solved it?


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