[MacTUG] Leopard AD automount error msg meaning

Steve Hellyer phasetwo at apple.com
Mon Mar 8 11:15:59 EST 2010

Sorry Marlon, I was away on vacation last week. 

Many details to ask but think it's safe to assume that it is some feature added in 10.6.x to support something turned on in your AD.  For example 10.6 support packets signing 10.5 doesn't.  Note: I don't think this example is your issue. I only use it as an example of one of different support feature set from one OS to another.

In general you get better support for AD in each version of the Mac OS X and you get better support for Mac OS X with new version of Microsoft Server software.

Another feature in 10.6 is keychain password synchronization with AD password. As you know AD control password policy, length, change period, letter and numbers etc...  When Mac OS X user is prompted to change password from AD that password is now synchronized with user keychain in 10.6.  Important ability as the keychain unlocks other password for websites, mail etc...

I am sure their are work arounds to your 10.5 issues but this is something you would have to discuss with AppleCare Enterprise support. http://www.apple.com/ca/support/products/macosxserver_sw_supt.html

If your primary directing a question to me, which is great, I would suggest ccing me as that way if I am away you will get my out of the office auto reply.  Hate to leave you hanging without a reply.



On 2010-03-02, at 10:44 PM, Matthew Oliver wrote:

> This only seems to affect machines running 10.5.x (both PPC and Intel)
> I have machines running 10.6.x with the same setup and it work perfectly.
> On 2010-03-02, at 3:08 PM, Marlon A. Griffith wrote:
>> This question is primarily directed to Steve.
>> Very simply, what does this mean inorder to fix the problem outlined below?
>> """
>> loginwindow[344]: lwMountWithArrayOfPaths: failed to mount prefPath=smb://ecfile1.uwaterloo.ca/m3griffi, error=80
>> """
>> Specs:
>> - ppc macmini
>> - 10.5.8
>> - all updates on
>> - Win 2003 Active Directory server
>> - user's share is on freebsd smb server runningsmb 3.4.5
>> Situation:
>> - connecting to AD using AD plug-in
>> - with all settings default
>> - using local home folder
>> - wanting user's AD network share to automatically mount
>> - login goes fine but no network share mounted
>> - can manually connect to share, using Connect to server, when username is specified as "adDomainName\userName"
>> tia,
>> Marlon
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Steve Hellyer
Pre-Sales Systems Engineer
Education Division (Higher Education)
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