[MacTUG] System crash and then

Ian Turner iturner at uwaterloo.ca
Thu May 14 10:09:49 EDT 2009

I would guess hardware, maybe memory, maybe logic board???

any external devices connected? if so remove them first to eliminate 
that possibility.

try "d" booting the original system disk and running diagnostics, or at 
least, run TechTool Pro - you did buy Applecare, didn't you?

IST Techs have more diagnostics and have always found our problems!

Marlon A. Griffith wrote:
> Hello,
> To summarize, my question is "what could cause the behaviour below," hardware or software?
> Symptoms
> --------
> - program froze
> - the only way to recover was to hard reboot the system
> - after several hard reboots, had a kernel panic
> - fsck would fix and system would run for five minutes then hang
> - was able to archive and recover once, system stayed up for at least an hour and then hung
> - had to use, system disk to boot iMac
> 	- only using the option key shows the internal hdd
> 	- yet, disk utility on system disk says that hdd is fine when verified
> - erase hangs when, I select clean install on system disk
> Specs
> -----
> - 2007 24" iMac with a 250 GB hdd
> - 10.4.10
> - 2 GB of RAM
> Marlon, x38146
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