[MacTUG] System crash and then

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu May 14 10:01:44 EDT 2009


To summarize, my question is "what could cause the behaviour below," hardware or software?

- program froze
- the only way to recover was to hard reboot the system
- after several hard reboots, had a kernel panic
- fsck would fix and system would run for five minutes then hang
- was able to archive and recover once, system stayed up for at least an hour and then hung
- had to use, system disk to boot iMac
	- only using the option key shows the internal hdd
	- yet, disk utility on system disk says that hdd is fine when verified
- erase hangs when, I select clean install on system disk

- 2007 24" iMac with a 250 GB hdd
- 10.4.10
- 2 GB of RAM

Marlon, x38146

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