[MacTUG] Weekend productivity tips for your Mac - MacFixIt

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Jun 23 09:17:05 EDT 2009

This weekend's tips are focused on productivity. The Mac OS is built 
to be efficient and several tips and tricks are specifically designed 
to take advantage of that. These are just a couple, so let us know 
your favorites in the comments section.

See all your sub folders
Many users may experience times when they want to quickly uncover all 
the sub folders within a parent folder in Finder. Whether it is to 
determine what their contents are or to quickly navigate to a deeply 
embedded file, this trick will make the navigation process much more 

    1. Open a new Finder window.
    2. Click the button to put Finder in List view. Or press (Command + 2)
    3. Navigate to the parent folder of which you wish to expand the contents.
    4. Hold down the Option key and click the triangle to the left of 
the folder name.
    5. This will expand the contents of every sub folder inside the 
parent folder.

Use Preview to combine PDF documents

Apple's Preview offers an increasingly powerful PDF viewer and 
manipulator. In addition to being able to move and delete pages 
inside a PDF, you may also combine other PDF documents to create a 
single file.

    1. Open a PDF using Preview.
    2. Activate the Sidebar by pressing the Sidebar button, clicking 
View > Sidebar, or by pressing (Command + Shift + D).
    3. When the Sidebar appears you may now select pages within your 
PDF and move or delete them.
    4. To add another PDF document and create a single file, simply 
drag the icon of your second document to the open Sidebar in Preview.
    5. Your second document will show up and you will be able to 
manipulate the pages as before.
    6. Be sure to "Save as..." or (Command + Shift + S) to save the 
new document.

NOTE: Older versions of Preview may not support these functions.


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