[MacTUG] Active Directory plugin for Macs ...

Steve Hellyer phasetwo at apple.com
Mon Jun 22 09:01:26 EDT 2009

Adding schema extension might be part of the job. Second part would be  
client side software which would read schema extensions and execute/ 
update something based on the contents of said schema changes.

Centrify adds this client side software which looks for these GPO  
changes and acts on them.

There are many of these solutions but Centrify is a good one.  Here is  
a white paper which present a number of options.

Just as MicroSoft suggests... (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc758759(WS.10).aspx 
"For troubleshooting purposes, you need a solid understanding of your  
organization’s Active Directory structure and the Group Policy  
inheritance and filtering rules."

So should you understand Mac OS X OpenLDAP/Kerberos based directory  
system called Open Directory. Should be prepared to have someone on  
staff who as completed Apple Support Certification or at least Open  
Directory course under their belt.

There are some great online seminars which will quickly provide you an  
overview in this Enterprise area.

I think all of this will help Dennis.  If you need more feel free to  
contact me anytime.


Steve Hellyer
Pre-Sales Systems Engineer
Education Division (Higher Education)
Apple Canada Inc.
7495 Birchmount Rd.
Markham, Ontario, Canada
L3R 5G2

PH: (905)513-5647
Mailto: shellyer at apple.com or Mailto: phasetwo at apple.com

Apple Training website

AppleCare Online Support

AppleCare Technical Phone Support
1-800-263-3394  (basic up and running support)

AppleCare Enterprise Level Support

AppleCare Service Locations (Canada)

On 18-Jun-09, at 1:49 PM, m3oliver at engmail.uwaterloo.ca wrote:

> Hi Dennis,
> If you can convince the AD folks to do Schema Extension this can be
> achieved without any expensive software like Centrify or ADmitMac.
> If Steve H. is listening in maybe he can provide an overview for how
> this is achieved. I did a quick search around and didn't find anything
> too useful.
> -Matt
> Quoting "Dennis Herman (dherman)" <dherman at cape.uwaterloo.ca>:
>> HI ,
>> I'm looking for an active directory plugin for MAC OSX that will  
>> allow me
>> to apply GPOs for software delivery/updates such as DirectCOntrol by
>> Centrify. Do you have any experience or recommendations for such  
>> packages ?
>> Dennis Herman
>> Dept Chemical Engineering
>> University of Waterloo
>> Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
>> Phone : 519-888-4567x32196
>> fax   : 519-746-4979
>> email : dherman at chemengmail.uwaterloo.ca
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