[MacTUG] Active Directory plugin for Macs ...

m3oliver at engmail.uwaterloo.ca m3oliver at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Jun 18 13:49:47 EDT 2009

Hi Dennis,

If you can convince the AD folks to do Schema Extension this can be  
achieved without any expensive software like Centrify or ADmitMac.
If Steve H. is listening in maybe he can provide an overview for how  
this is achieved. I did a quick search around and didn't find anything  
too useful.


Quoting "Dennis Herman (dherman)" <dherman at cape.uwaterloo.ca>:

> HI ,
>  I'm looking for an active directory plugin for MAC OSX that will allow me
> to apply GPOs for software delivery/updates such as DirectCOntrol by
> Centrify. Do you have any experience or recommendations for such packages ?
> Dennis Herman
> Dept Chemical Engineering
> University of Waterloo
> Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
> Phone : 519-888-4567x32196
> fax   : 519-746-4979
> email : dherman at chemengmail.uwaterloo.ca

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