[MacTUG] Xerox Printer Drivers for Mac's

Ian Turner iturner at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Apr 21 13:40:50 EDT 2008

I have been dissatisfied with the Xerox driver I had downloaded for the 
Macs for the model 128.  We had gotten it because we need to print 11x17.

A Xerox support person was in today dealing with Jessica on a different 
issue, so I grumbled.

His answer was "any postscript driver should work"

My specific question was not being able to print on 11x17, so he 
recommended "a Laserwriter driver"

I looked at the "standards that come with Tiger" and picked Apple 
Laserwriter 8500 v 3010.103 to try, since it had a "Bigger Number".

Low and behold, you can tell it you have a duplexer, and print to 
"tabloid" size paper, and it will even do 11x17, 2 sided, without you 
having to specifically choose a paper tray!

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