[MacTUG] InstaDMG: Image Creation Revolution Webcast

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Apr 16 12:07:50 EDT 2008

Monday, April 14 2008 @ 05:05 pm CDT
Contributed by: raveldc

The MacEnterprise.org group will be presenting a Webcast on InstaDMG: Image Creation Revolution on April 15, 2008 at 1:00pm EDT (10:00am PDT).

InstaDMG is revolutionizing the way that Mac sysadmins create ASR deployment images and it can help you too. More than just a tool, InstaDMG is actually a methodology for deployment image creation and testing. In this webcast we will cover both the methodology and the reference tool in detail, including a roadmap of the reference script feature set.

For more information on how to view the webcasts, please visit: http://macenterprise.org/content/blogcategory/113/96/


The login ID for April 15th Webcast : MacEnterprise

Passcode for April 15th Webcast is : 724412
Go to the following web page 5-10 minutes prior to the webcast start time: http://webcast.training.apple.com/


Webcast Coordinator



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