[MacTUG] OS X Server and Importing Security Certificates

Jeff Dunnett jdunnett at math.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Nov 15 10:59:56 EST 2007


I was wondering if I might be able to call upon the collective  
expertise of the group.  I am having problems installing a Thwate  
security certificate obtained through IST on our Tiger server.  Maybe  
it is because of my inexperience with this sys admin operation.   
Maybe I am doing something wrong.  Maybe it is some kind of problem I  
am not seeing.

I have in /private/etc/certificates three files:

cemc.math.uwaterloo.ca.crt (which contains the cert http:// 

cemc.math.uwwaterloo.ca.key (which contains the private key)

cemc.math.uwaterloo.ca.chcrt (which is the security authority file)

I have tried a number of ways for installing the certificate:

1) Manually adding a new cert by going into Server Admin tools by  
clicking on the 'plus button'.  Then typing in the information  
contained in the certificate (.crt file) manually (i.e. Common Name,  
City etc).  Then clicking on adding signed certificate then cutting  
and pasting the information between the (start certificate and end  
certificate) from the .crt file.  The problem is that it says there  
is an error writing the settings and then shows the authority as self- 

2) I have tried imporitng the certificate by clicking on the 'import'  
button.  Then giving the Certificate File as /private/etc/certificate/ 
cemc.math.uwaterloo.crt.   The Private Key File as /private/etc/ 
certificate/cemc.math.uwaterloo.key and the Certificate Authority  
File as /private/etc/certificate/cemc.math.uwaterloo.chcrt.  I leave  
the Private Key Passphrase as blank because I am pretty sure there  
isn't one.  I get a message saying "Certificate Import Failed make  
sure that the values you entered are correct and that the certificate  
files on the server are valid."

Does it seem like I am doing anything wrong?  I am a little stumped  
at this point.


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