[MacTUG] [Fwd: Re: A couple of things]

Richard Crispin rcrispin at sju-serv1.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Nov 15 08:53:04 EST 2007

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: A couple of things
Date: 	Wed, 14 Nov 2007 22:03:30 -0500
From: 	Philip Hume <hume at apple.com>
To: 	Richard Crispin <rcrispin at sju.uwaterloo.ca>
References: 	<F5C4717E-2712-4D6F-9B90-08404073AEC8 at apple.com> 
<A7C1D2E1-0B34-47DE-AEDB-BC11543F771D at apple.com> 
<46BA4A5B.9090709 at sju.uwaterloo.ca> 
<83E6E0AF-AC6D-4B44-8C18-236A4C0E323D at apple.com> 
<4720A9A9.3030906 at sju.uwaterloo.ca> 
<7700DB9A-47D5-4817-9D33-83265C21E1BA at apple.com> 
<473B2849.7040504 at sju.uwaterloo.ca>

Hi RIchard,

Unfortunately Steve is maxed out getting content ready for an upcoming  
Leopard tour so won't be able to do this months MacTug. We are looking  
to come down your way in the new year.

Alternatively any and all of you are welcome to come to the upcoming  
Toronto event early in December, just announced.


Please pass on this clickable PDF to any who might be interested.

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Name: Leopard_Leopard_Server_Tour_Invitation.pdf
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Url : http://lists.uwaterloo.ca/pipermail/mactug/attachments/20071115/74f88c58/Leopard_Leopard_Server_Tour_Invitation-0002.pdf
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On 14-Nov-07, at 11:54 AM, Richard Crispin wrote:
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Name: Leopard_Leopard_Server_Tour_Invitation.pdf
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Url : http://lists.uwaterloo.ca/pipermail/mactug/attachments/20071115/74f88c58/Leopard_Leopard_Server_Tour_Invitation-0003.pdf
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> Hi Phil
> First, I was wondering if Steve is going to be coming to the Nov.  
> 27th MacTug meeting. The curious want to know.
> Second, any chance on some fun stuff for the San Francisco MacWorld  
> in January?
> Thanks
> Richard

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