[MacTUG] Review: Lightroom vs. Aperture - What's Best?

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Feb 21 14:45:08 EST 2007

Now that Adobe has officially shipped Lightroom (as we recently 
mentioned), the natural question is: which one is better, Lightroom 
or Aperture? Of course folks have been playing with the Lightroom 
beta for quite some time, so this is not new question, but Derrick 
Story over at MacDevCenter posts on two new series by professional 
photographers writing for O'Reilly comparing the two software 
packages. He links to the first post Micah Walter's series for the 
Inside Aperture blog, and to the start of Michael Clark's initial 
comparison between the two on the corresponding Inside Lightroom 
blog. Neither has yet revealed their final conclusions, but it should 
be interesting to see where they both go. On a related note, Macworld 
podcast 74 features a discussion of the relative merits of the two 
packages by Rick LePage (as does this earlier post on TUAW).

 From what I can tell so far in many of these discussion, the answer 
to the question is not going to be entirely straightforward, with one 
package clearly better than the other. It is more likely that the 
answer will be something like: it depends on what you want your 
workflow to look like, and how you want to interact with your images. 
So TUAW readers, what's your take? Which one do you prefer and why?

Reference: http://www.tuaw.com/2007/02/19/lightroom-vs-aperture-whats-best/

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