[MacTUG] FYI: Suggestions for Macs hanging with Active Directory

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Feb 21 10:20:44 EST 2007

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News update, February 21

Suggestions for Macs hanging with Active Directory
February 21, 2007

Two readers sent in suggestions for dealing with a problem with Macs  
freezing during booting when connected to an Active Directory network.

Joe DiMattio:

I have a suggestion for Brad Anderson's issue with his Macs booting  
slow when connected to AD. The issue might be the AD environment  
attempting to "push" global policies (i.e. proxy settings, security  
settings) down to each attached device. The domain controller/policy  
server, being unable to find the suitable directories on the Mac,  
could just be waiting for a timeout on the Macs before moving on.

Dedrick Allen:

This user may want to verify that they have full forward and reverse  
DNS working for ALL Active Directory clients, Windows AND Macs.  
Active Directory requires DNS and most of the Mac networking features  
such as MCX and Open Directory require full forward and reverse  
lookup support.

Our Active Directory Reports page also contains some suggestions for  
a problem of Macs spinning their beachballs when logging on to Active  

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