[MacTUG] FYI: Carbon Copy Cloner 3.0 Beta - Newly Built and Universal

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Feb 21 14:47:42 EST 2007

Back in the day, Mike Bombich's Carbon Copy Cloner was one of those 
must-have Mac apps. It was the first solution for making bootable 
backups to an external hard drive. Unfortunately, CCC had not been 
updated in quite some time (2003) and its former place has been taken 
on many Macs by the excellent SuperDuper! (which I use myself, but 
which runs $27.95). Mike has finally come out with an update for CCC, 
and has released a beta of version 3 of CCC. According to Mike, CCC3 
was "completely rebuilt from the ground up to bring a new suite of 
features." Among these new features, are a revamped interface, 
network backups, "advanced scheduling capabilities" and more. Perhaps 
best of all, however, is that CCC3 is now a Universal application.

Carbon Copy Cloner 3.0b4 is a free download, but Mike asks for 
donations. It looks like CCC3 could be a great, less expensive 
alternative to SuperDuper! once more.


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