[MacTUG] Reducing PDF file size with a Quartz filter

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Dec 13 09:58:57 EST 2007

Apple has an interesting video tip up this week on reducing the file 
size of graphic intensive PDFs created from the Print dialog. In 
their example they make a PDF from a Keynote presentation containing 
lots of graphics, and substantially reduce its size by selecting the 
"Reduce File Size" Quartz filter in the ColorSync options of the 
Print Dialog before choosing "Save as PDF..." from the PDF drop-down 
menu. In their example, without the filter the resulting PDF is 5.3MB 
and with the filter it's only 632KB. So I thought I'd give it a try 
on some of my own documents. But then I ran into a problem.


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