[MacTUG] Apple details Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Terminal command changes

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Dec 13 09:58:40 EST 2007

Apple says that because Mac OS X 10.5 is UNIX 03 compliant, some 
Terminal commands such as "ps" have changed from previous Mac OS X 

Essentially: "Mac OS X prior to version 10.5 provided tools that 
generally follow BSD semantics (or, in some cases, Linux or GNU 
semantics). Beginning in Mac OS X v10.5, many of these tools instead 
generally obey AT&T semantics. Thus, some tools behave differently 
depending on the version of Mac OS X."

The company has posted a series of developer documents detailing the changes:

    * UNIX 03 Conformance Release Notes, 
    * General Command-Line Tool Differences, 
    * Designing Scripts for Cross-Platform Deployment, 


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