[MacTUG] Mac OS X Tiger Server License

Jeff Dunnett jdunnett at math.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Dec 13 13:52:33 EST 2007


Does anyone out on the list know where I acquire a license/legitimate  
copy for OS X Tiger Server?  I can't seem to buy it on the Apple site  
and The Campus Tech shop can't seem to acquire it.

The system that I wish to install this on currently has Leopard and I  
am looking to install Tiger.  I am not looking to make the move  
backwards to Tiger because I am dissatisfied with Leopard.  This  
machine is going to be a staging/development/test machine for our  
production environment.  Our production machines are both running  
Tiger (with the pre-installed Apache 1.3?) and WebObjects 5.3.   
Leopard has Apache 2.2 and WebObjects 5.4 (though I am told with some  
work you can get WebObjects 5.3 installed).  I've experienced and  
read about a few issues between WebObjects 5.3 and 5.4 that I would  
like a chance to sort out.  So as you can see it is not a good idea  
to use Leopard to test and Tiger for production.

Does anyone know where I might be able to get Tiger server?


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