[MacTUG] iMovie 08, reguires a G5 processor

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Aug 10 08:53:57 EDT 2007

The unofficial death of the G4 processor

  Posted by Dr. Macenstein

Does it mattter that your OS can run on a bare bones machine if the  
apps you use can’t?

Apple lists the current minimum system requirements for the upcoming  
Mac OS X Leopard as a very reasonable “G4 (800 MHz or faster)-, G5-  
or Intel-based Mac“. This was very welcome news for G4 owners like  
myself who like to try to keep as many of our machines as current as  

However, at this week’s iMac/iLife/iWork unveiling, G4 owners were  
dealt a stealthy blow to the gut. It seems iMovie ‘08 lists its  
minimum requirements as “a Mac with an Intel processor, a Power Mac  
G5 (dual 2.0GHz or faster), or an iMac G5 (1.9GHz or faster).”

Now granted, video editing is one of the more processor-intensive  
tasks you can ask of your computer, but since the vast majority of  
iMovie users will still be using DV and not jumping to HD video en  
masse, it does seem a bit of a shame.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not one of those freaks who thinks every new  
iteration of the Mac OS or iLife should run on any hardware made in  
the last 20 years, but it does appear that G4 users might want to  
start saving those pennies to put towards some new hardware. I’d  
guess we have until iLife ‘09 before iWeb “needs” a quad Core Duo.

Glenn Anderson
Client Services, IST
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, On
519-888-4567 x33327
anderson at uwaterloo.ca

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