[MacTUG] AFP548 - Loginwindow Banner

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Aug 10 11:25:57 EDT 2007

Little known, but highly useful.

If you have a need to put danger text into your loginwindow you have a few 
options. The easy one is edit the com.apple.loginwindow.plist file and put your 
banner text in there. The slightly harder, but much sexier version is to use the 
bannersample project that's part of the 10.4 Developer Tools.

On a machine with the dev tools installed on navigate to 
/Developer/Examples/Security/bannersample and open up the bannersample.xcodeproj 
file in Xcode. Read the readme file and start poking around with Interface 
Builder on the included .nib file.

Using this project you'll be able to have a sheet that comes down in front of 
the login window and is able to display graphics, text or even WebKit views if 
you want. Go crazy and have fun.


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