[MacTUG] FYI: Fix--Installing Adobe Creative Suite 2 on a MacBook Pro

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Thu May 25 12:54:49 EDT 2006

Came across this tip for installing Creative Suite 2 on a MacBook  
Pro, if you have a problem.

Fix--Installing Adobe Creative Suite 2 on a MacBook Pro

According to numerous articles on the Web, people are having problems  
installing Adobe Creative Suite 2 on Intel-based Macs after updating  
to QuickTime 7.1 and installing Security Update 2006-003. We are  
having performance problems with the GoLive CS2 application part of  
the suite on our MacBook Pro and a 30" Cinema Display since applying  
the updates. The issues include lags in window re-sizing and scrolling.

We were able to re-install Adobe Creative Suite 2 on our MacBook Pro  
by simply unchecking Version Cue so as to not install it. The  
installation went fine but we still have the performance issues with  
the GoLive component.

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