[MacTUG] SMB/CIFS sensitivity on Intel Macs

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Jun 8 11:55:29 EDT 2006

MacWindows. June 8, 2006 -- A reader named David reported a problem 
with a MacBook accessing SMB servers. He change the "smb://" URL to 
"cifs://" and the problem disappeared:Groupcal can synchronize iCal 
and Exchange Server events and enables iCal to book people or 
resources, among other things.

     I had two new Tiger users show up today. The G4 X.4 had no 
problem connecting, but the MacBook showd NO servers, SMB or Mac 

     So why does the one G4 work OK? And why does the MacBook show NO servers?

     The G4 user suggested something for the MacBook and it works. In 
the Go menu's Connect to Server, don't use this: smb://

     But instead use this: cifs://

     And it does work.

CIFS stands for Common Internet File System, basically an updated 
SMB. Microsoft wanted to rename SMB and call it CIFS, but the name 
never really stuck. Sometimes the file sharing protocal is referred 
to as SMB/CIFS.
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