[MacTUG] Reader verifies fix for Tiger problem with Linux Samba server

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Jun 8 11:57:03 EDT 2006

MacWindows. June 8, 2006 -- A reader named Tony verfied a fix to a 
problem with Tiger 10.4.6 not connecting to Linux SMB servers. The 
problem was caused by Linux Samba server 3.014; upgrading fixed the 
issue. Tony said:

     Yep, this solved my problem on a company production server.

     The Windows clients had no problems mounting SMB after the 
upgrade I did from woody to sarge, but the Macs wouldn't do it. 
Installing the "testing" version of samba (3.0.22) solved it for me.
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