[MacTUG] TIP: Fix AppleMouse for Boot Camp

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Jul 14 16:01:59 EDT 2006

MacWindows. July 14, 2006 -- Several readers commented on Wednesday's 
report on the free applemou.exe utility for adding right-click 
functionality to Windows XP running in Boot Camp on Intel Macs.

Mike Ryder found a way to stop an annoying behavior with the utility:

     To get rid of the window that pops up when the Applemou.exe runs 
do the following:

     1. Take the applemou.exe utility out of the startup folder and 
put it in a permanent location (program files)

     2. Open the startup folder by clicking on it from the All Programs list

     3. Create a shortcut of the applemou.exe utility in the startup 
folder (Drag it while holding alt/option key)

     4. Right-click (Ctrl-click) on the shortcut and choose properties

     5. In the "Target" box add a space and then /s after the last 
quotation mark and click OK

     It will run now and not show that "Apple Mouse Utility" window.

Michael Perbix prefers the Input Remapper solution that he reported 
to us last month:

     Although this utility works, I had issues with it not always 
recognizing a right click, as well as just not being happy with it. 
It also does not solve the issue of laptop uses not having a DELETE 
key to login....key remapper that was mentioned earlier is a much 
more solid solution.

Philip Ershler:

     I have used applemou.exe since I first installed BootCamp. Other 
than the slight annoyance mentioned in the article (which I find to 
be no big deal), it works fine and ius certainly worth the price.

Michael Watts:

     It works without fail so far, with the minor inconvenience of 
setting it up again each time I go into XP.

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