[MacTUG] Reader verifies Parallels memory setting practice

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Jul 14 16:00:13 EDT 2006

MacWindows. July 14, 2006 -- James Whitney agrees with a reader 
report earlier this week that the best Parallels performance is 
achieved with a lower memory setting. The exact memory setting is not 
a fixed amount, but varies with the system. Whitney says:

     I have a MacBook Pro with 1GB DDR2 SDRAM. Parallels tells me, 
using the method described in the article below, that the max I 
should use is 512 MB. I was using 764 and changed it to 512 with 
noticeable performance improvement both by Parallels and particularly 
in other OSX apps. I think this supports the conclusion below that 
the max memory is calculated by Parallels based on the system 

     This leaves open the question of whether adding more physical 
memory, having Parallels calculate a higher recommended memory max, 
and then using that higher max would result in better performance or 

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