[MacTUG] How to Check for revised Build of Intel CPU Mac 10.4.7 Delta Update

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Jul 14 16:14:14 EDT 2006


There's been a couple notes in the news page here (and on the 10.4.7 
reports page) about the first 10.4.7 delta update for Intel Macs 
missing some OpenGL related files - I mentioned last week that an 
Apple doc said they were going to post a revised update to correct 
that. (In the meantime using the "Combo" updater was recommended.) 
Apple's OpenGL mail list had comments from a game developer on kernel 
panics seen on Intel Macs with the original Delta update applied and 
that the "a" suffix on the revised build may not always be present . 
Here's a post from the list on how to check in the terminal to see if 
you have the revised delta 10.4.7 updater for Intel Macs (for anyone 
with an Intel CPU mac that didn't use the "Combo" updater):

     " How to see if you have the new 10.4.7 on Intel:

     in Terminal:
/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Libraries/libGL.dylib | 
grep FlushMappedBufferRange

     92c595d0 T _glFlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE

     If you don't find that entry point (no output from the grep), 
it's the old 10.4.7....
     -Rob "

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