[MacTUG] apple orders

Sandra Laughlin laughlin at ist.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Jul 14 15:58:47 EDT 2006

Hi everyone
I had very little response for orders for the software below, and not 
nearly enough to make up the numbers that are required. So at this time, I 
will only be renewing our maintenance licenses for MAC OS.
For the couple of you that did want to order, sorry but you will have to 
buy from the Computer Store or another
retail outlet.
Have a great weekend

I will be placing an order with Apple to renew the OS agreement for 3 years.
Here is a list of additional software that some of you were interested in 
and the cost.
If you would like to order any of the products, please reply to me with
         number of copies
         account number

                 Product                 License cost    Media cost
                 iLife                   $39.            $20.    (need to 
order 100 copies for this price)
                 Remote Desktop  $339.                   (need to order 50 
                 iWork                   $35.            $20.    (need to 
order 10 copies ..
                 Final Cut               $519.           $20.    (need to 
order 10 copies ..
                 QuickTime Pro           $35.99                  (need to 
order 10 copies ..
                 Aperture                $99.            $20     (need to 
order 5 copies ....


Sandra Laughlin
  License Coordinator
Information Systems and Technology
University of Waterloo
Waterloo ON Canada N2L 3G1
(519)888-4567, x2014     Fax: (519)888-4331  

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