[MacTUG] TIP: Fix for Boot Camp lack of right click

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jul 12 10:57:24 EDT 2006

MacWindows. July 12, 2006 -- Aaron Rigby reports that a Windows 
utility called applemou.exe adds right-click functionality to Windows 
XP running in Apple's Boot Camp beta. The utility was written for 
using a Apple one-button mouse with Windows. Rigby reports:

     I was reading Joshua Byers' review of Boot Camp Beta for Intel 
Macs and wanted to inform him of a tiny "fix-it" program that I found 
to solve the "Right Click" issue on the Intel MacBook Pro's when 
using Boot Camp to run XP.

     The program is called applemou.exe and was made by RH Designs. 
The program makes the touch pad click button work the same as 
"CTRL-Click" in O SX for using "Right-Click" in windows. It is 
freeware and is clean.  I simply put it in the Start Up folder and it 
will run every time.

     Unfortunately I haven't figure out a way for the software to run 
every boot without the "Apple Mouse Utility" window opening (you can 
close this window and it will run silently still), but I can put up 
with that minor annoyance to get my right click back.  Its copyright 
is in 2002, and it comes as a ZIP file with a READ ME.txt with the 
EULA. It works fine in all apps that I've tried, including games, and 
web browsing.

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