[MacTUG] ARD: Fixing "Connection failed ..." bug

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Nov 21 14:18:20 EST 2005

There is a bug in Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) 2.2 in which the observe 
and control commands don't work, but everything else does. You get 
the error, "Connection failed to 'nameOfComputer'." At the moment, 
all my G4 eMacs are affected along with one dual processor 1.8 GHz G5.

Possible Causes:
- corrupt plist preference files
- network switches and routers were blocking ports TCP 5900, and UDP 
and TCP 3283
After some investigation, this was not found to be the case.

The ARD Apple discussion forum (1) indicated that version 2.2 was 
buggy. The solution was to re-install version 2.1. The procedure is 
as follows:
- uninstall version 2.2
- install version 1.2
- upgrade to version 2.1

Resources for un-installing v2.2:
Macupdate has a freeware ARD un-installer: 
However, some files still remain. Follow the procedure in this 
knowledge-base article from Apple, 
http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=108021, to complete 
the un-install.

ARD Client 1.2:

ARD Client 2.1:

Tested on:
- Mac Os 10.3.9

1) The ARD discussion forum: 
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