[quantum-info] FW: Postdoctoral position in quantum information theory in Berlin

Daniel Gottesman dgottesman at perimeterinstitute.ca
Tue Jul 9 12:57:49 EDT 2019

-----Original Message-----
From: Jens Eisert <jense at zedat.fu-berlin.de>
Sent: Tuesday, July 9, 2019 12:39 PM
To: Jens Eisert <jense at physik.fu-berlin.de>
Subject: Postdoctoral position in quantum information theory in Berlin

We invite applications for a postdoctoral position in quantum information
theory at the Free University of Berlin. The position is partially funded by
the PASQuanS project of the Quantum Flagship initiative, securing additional
scientific visibility. The successful candidate will work as part of the
research group led by Professor Jens Eisert at the FU Berlin. The position
is a full E13 position initially for two years, but may be extended. For an
overview of research activities of the group, see this link:


We are an active, vibrant international research group with a culture of
open discussion, creative interdisciplinary thought and substantial
international collaborations. Possible research topics are

- quantum simulation,
- tensor networks,
- near-term quantum circuits and quantum machine learning,
- quantum system identification, bench-marking and tomography,
- Hamiltonian complexity,
- quantum error correction.

Applicants must have demonstrated outstanding research accomplishments in
the past. Candidates must hold a PhD degree in physics, mathematics or
computer science. Interested candidates are invited to submit

- a letter indicating their main research interests,
- a detailed curriculum vitae,
- a list of publications,
- the electronic (email) contact details of two potential referees.

To check out research careers of past group members, see this link:


All applications should be sent in electronic form to
jense at physik.fu-berlin.de with the key word "Postdoc2019" in the subject

Review of the applications will continue until the positions are filled.
Early submissions are appreciated.

Jens Eisert
Professor of Quantum Physics

Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems Physics Department Freie
Universität Berlin Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin

jense at physik.fu-berlin.de

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