[MacTUG] Printing from Mac to Windows 2019 Print Server

Marlon A Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Mar 8 10:24:56 EST 2022

Hi Jim,

We are using IPP successfully. Let me know if you want to talk to our 
printer guy.


On 2022-03-08 10:21 a.m., Jim Johnston wrote:
> Up until mid-Feb our Macs were able to print fine to our Windows 2019 Print Server.
> The mid-Feb 2022 patches for Monterey, Big Sur and Catalina broke that.
> And the most recent Windows 2019 Server patches seems to break printing on
> most patched and unpatched Macs including Mojave and earlier.
> Sending directly to the printers (USB or direct network) still works.
> So, what are other groups using for printing, other PaperCut (which we are already
> discussing).  E.g. Are folks using Linux+Samba, or some other methods?
> Does anyone have good experience with IPP (preferably with ACLs and auth)
> or AirPrint (can AirPrint use auth?)?
> Jim

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