[MacTUG] Printing from Mac to Windows 2019 Print Server

Jim Johnston jjohnston at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Mar 8 10:21:57 EST 2022

Up until mid-Feb our Macs were able to print fine to our Windows 2019 Print Server.
The mid-Feb 2022 patches for Monterey, Big Sur and Catalina broke that.
And the most recent Windows 2019 Server patches seems to break printing on
most patched and unpatched Macs including Mojave and earlier.

Sending directly to the printers (USB or direct network) still works.

So, what are other groups using for printing, other PaperCut (which we are already
discussing).  E.g. Are folks using Linux+Samba, or some other methods?

Does anyone have good experience with IPP (preferably with ACLs and auth)
or AirPrint (can AirPrint use auth?)?

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