[MacTUG] FYI: adding accents by holding down the letter to get the available accent options to pop up

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Sep 13 10:44:01 EDT 2021

One way or option to add accents to letters on the Mac is to press down and hold the key to bring up a list of accent options for that letter and then you can choose the one you want, as seen below.


I had a user where this wasn’t working on their new Mac ( M1) but worked on their old Mac. This may be a result of the newer Mac and/or OS versions not having it on by default.
It also seems this isn’t a setting that is migrated over with the migration tool.

Here is how to enable it…

  *   Open the Terminal app (Applications > Utilities) and type
  *   defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool true
  *   and then restart

To disable it do the same as above, but set the value to false instead of true.


If the above doesn’t work, or if it has been working but stopped, it is worth checking the keyboard settings ( system preferences ) and make sure the “Key Repeat" isn’t set to fast, but to Slow or Off and the “Delay Until Repeat” is set to short. Basically if you have the keys set too repeat to fast, the  accent menu doesn’t pop up.

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